Carrot Growing Notes

Autumn King8th March 202428th March
Nantes 58th March 202428th March
Autumn King2022★★★★★
Gold Nugget2022☆☆★★★
Early Nantes2022★★★★★
Purple Sun2022☆☆★★★
Red Samurai2022☆☆☆☆☆

Carrot Diary

March, Week 2

Have started a new carrot bed along the left border for some garden delineation and to provide a deep planting space. Have sown 3cm squares of two varieties, Nantes 5 and Autumn King, and will do another 2-3 rounds of sowing at various points in the season.

March, Week 4

Carrots were left to germinate with no special tricks and appeared after about 20 days of wet weather.


We decided to try a selection of different carrot varieties this year, in various colours. As we had poor germination from a set of mixed colour carrot seeds in 2021 I opted to purchase seeds of different varieties and sow them in sections of a full carrot bed. Most grew well, and the white Creampak variety perhaps grew a little too well, producing some carrots the size of large parsnips, but they grew with smooth skin and were flawless.

Autumn King

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Solid, orange roots. Tapered end, classic carrot. Good reliable size and shape.


Rating: 4 out of 5.

Smooth, solid carrots, don’t require peeling.

Gold Nugget

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Nicely shaped carrots, a little smaller than some of the other varieties.

Early Nantes

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Blunt-ended, solid carrots. Grew brilliantly.

Purple Sun

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Slightly under-germinated, but those that grew, grew well. A strong purple colour throughout which leaches into the water when boiling. Roast to maintain colour.

Red Samurai

Rating: 0 out of 5.

Abysmal Germination. A complete failure.