
  • selection of handmade custom teacher gifts for an end of term gift

    Teachers Gifts 2024

    I suffered a bout of illness, along with Russell, to start July this year. It’s a problematic bout of illness that has scuppered a number of plans that we held, none more important than our 10th wedding anniversary, which we didn’t celebrate with a gift or card passing between us, only some paracetamol and some…

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  • Twelve Days Of Christmas Ornaments, Part II

    Now that Christmas is over and life creeps back to ‘normal’ I was hoping to find a bit more time and mental space to ease into the new year with some more ornaments from this set. I’ve sometimes caught a bit of time in the evening, but the low light and my increasing reliance on…

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  • 12 Days Of Christmas Ornaments

    Towards the end of 2023 I pushed the spend button on a the blueprints and materials for project that I had been coveting for many years: Larissa Holland’s 12 Days Of Christmas felt ornament patterns. These were, in so many ways, beyond my budget. Not that I have a budget, more a comfort level of…

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  • Personalised Jigsaw Puzzles

    Over the Christmas period I try each year to make as much of the family’s festive experience as personal and as meaningful as possible. For me this means bringing as much handmade and home created magic to the Christmas period as possible. I don’t mean to say that we avoid the commercialised trappings of the…

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  • Wooden Bookmarks

    For the upcoming holiday season I have made a large number of handmade wooden pencil bookmarks personalised and decorated with individual names. This fun little project took a lot longer than I had anticipated, but I am glad to have it finished before the end of November. These are simple wooden bookmarks, decorated with simple…

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  • Peachy Little Summer Shirt

    It’d been a long while since I made a shirt, maybe almost a decade, but certainly since before Bean was born, and I thought it was about time I introduced a few more wovens to his wardrobe for the summer. I wanted to make a traditional shirt, but very relaxed and with short sleeves to…

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