
  • Monogrammed Christmas Stockings

    One of my favourite-ever Christmas projects, my house advent calendar, lives on our mantlepiece over the Christmas period, but a fireplace is not complete without a row of stockings waiting for Father Christmas to arrive down the chimney. Our living room is a soft grey and so I wanted some Christmas stockings that would work…

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  • Teacher’s End Of Term Gifts: Beautiful Personalised Notebook and Pen

    I’d always intended to get around to making gifts for the teachers of my little boy’s nursery, as we have handmade them for every gifting occasion for the past two and a half years that he has attended. This year, however, we did not get a chance to say goodbye. And it should have been…

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  • Making Round Up: Dinosaurs, Manatees And Bats.

    The first half of July has been full of new things I have put my hands to making. It has taken so long, but I have finally found something of ‘me’ in this experience. After sewing for simple necessity, I’ve been enjoying both hand and machine sewing things less necessary and more for the pure…

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  • Growing Paper Plants

    I have given up on green things. I have a love of the wide green outdoors: the kind of outdoors of woodlands and shaded streams rather than sunny spots and beaches. As we are in a flat and so have no garden, and can’t go out to the shady woodland places and walks that we…

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    My little boy has a lot of favourite books, but the book that he keeps coming back to as a favourite and which has worked its way into being part of our household and part of our lives is The Lorax. Last year, for World Book Day, my then three-year-old chose the Lorax as the…

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  • St Mary’s Lighthouse Embroidery

    Though I wrote about my Self Portrait embroidery first, because it was such an important piece of work for me, I actually made another embroidery piece before that one. This embroidery piece was made to mark my fifth wedding anniversary in July. When I first met my husband I was in a very confused and…

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